Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 35: Slow & Steady

We're 6 days into the stimulation process and we had an appt with the Dr. again this morning to check my progress since Sunday. Estrodiol levels are up (as to be expected) at 1074. They also tested my LH (1.63) and Progesterone (.59) levels.

The Dr. spent a fair amount of time measuring each of the follicles to get a sense of development using the ultrasound. So far I have about 15-20 follicles total in development with the bulk of them at developing at a similar rate, which is exactly what he wants. He surprisingly wants to see me back again tomorrow for additional blood work and testing so the methodical monitoring continues. In the meantime, my instructions for tonight and tomorrow morning were to drop my meds dose down to 50 units. The trick here is slow and steady growth of the eggs.

I also had an acupuncture appointment tonight and my Chinese medicine diagnosis is also a good one. She said my energy has been really great over the past few weeks and my tongue and pulse were fantastic today! I'll see her once more before the egg retrieval surgery, then once between egg retrieval and embryo transfer and finally 2x on the day of the embryo transfer.

So I am thrilled to have good reports thus far from both Western and Eastern medicine. Yippee!

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